Sunday, June 26, 2011

Lost My Self ??

Why i lost my self ???
this a question I need to answer .... my mother told that I lost my self because i get away from God .
Why anything happened bad happens people told you that happened because you far from your God or that your God is punishing me. 
maybe I lost my self because I lost my goal in life & lost even my life .
it just like walking without your soul that also because I far from God maybe if you believe God but I'm a little shaking about this subject and the concept of God ..... is he just a higher power
or someone in somewhere in the universe looking at us & watching & laughing like you watch some movie or spy on some ants at your home .
Who is God ? some alien from the outer space looking like E.T .
or some one sitting in the clouds like Zeus the greek  god .
or some one like in Jesus pictures . 
when some one know who is god would please right and tell me .

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