Sunday, November 6, 2011

It was just a DREAM

I have no idea right now .... i even don't why i open this post ... i don't feel anything to write about
I'm sinking ... what you are thinking about ?? :D
(those lines just 2 start :D  )
I'm listening to Sinatra's songs & wishing to get a glass of scotch or any kind of whiskey i could get and just lay down on the floor and relax doing nothing  .
just imagine what u gonna feel while u doing this ??
what u gonna dream about .... yourself & what u wanna be ? or some dream about a girl or imagining yourself like living in a movie .
the imagination is something really great .... it can take u 2 anyplace u want ... can make u be whatever u want .
without imagination I'm sure that this world wouldn't be good as it looks right now .
ALWAYS IMAGINE but DON"T U EVER loss ur reality.

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