Wednesday, August 5, 2015

so here i'm again checking off something form the list
so i got a job after i went back to my last job and quit it again
i finally finished the damn collage
i'm going to travel unfortunately non of the countries that i listed but it's an inside trip to amazing place so i hope i have fun and get drunk and stoned :D
and that's all for this post   

Friday, January 9, 2015

list of unachievements

so about this list 
i got a job and quit it after 5 months, didn't get any courses, still working on my english and i hope to be this my final year in college .
still skinny didn't hit the gym and i'm broke .
there's another goal to join the unachieved goals: i must get a Green Fairy bottle before the end of 2015.

I salute you

for those who passing by i salute you.