Saturday, November 9, 2019

A life of unemployment workaholic

Do you guys know when life can't get any worse?
Well, it gets worse and you feel bluer and emptiness in your soul. This time you spend when there's nothing to do to pull yourself back up after you're hitting rock bottom is the worse.
All you're having in your mind is self-doubt and that you're not good enough for someone to hire you or take and all the failed trials make you even worse and one thought controls your mind "this life is not worth it, let's end it". Every hope you get when someone interviews you for a job but then never calls again breaks you into pieces and makes you know that you're not good enough and the longer the process it takes, the deeper the hate you have to yourself. 
And start feels the regret why I ever quit my job before getting a new one and remember that you did it for your mental health, but you're in Egypt your mental health is only okay if you have money. 
So here I am; without a job, broke, and all that I want is to die.