Monday, July 22, 2013

so I'm spending my time searching the web for a shitty job so get some money and do the things I want .
it's simple things why it's so hard do ??
no job >> no money >> nothing.
it's a fucking empty circle exhausting our life in it .

Saturday, July 13, 2013

so here I'm, still searching for my dreams . but the problem is I don't know what I'm dreaming about .
I just want to live my life as I'm living it in my head .
living at my own place, driving my beetle, playing my music, drinking my wine while listing to Louis Armstrong and Nina Simone with a nude beautiful girl beside me.
it maybe seems like a simple things to dream about but it's so hard to achieve specially if you living in a fucked up country like Egypt, someday in the past history it was a piece form heaven now the hell brought down in Egypt. .
We're born to suffer .